Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is it all about?

The White Pants Movement is about when, where, why and how you should wear white pants.  There are rules that should be followed.  Or not.  After Labor Day?  Sure, why not.  To a Christmas party? Go for it!  Why?  Because they can look clean, refreshing and go with just about anything.  And how?  Oh, now that's the tricky one.  How to wear white pants. 

The first rule. Never, ever, EVER wear them without the appropriate under-thingies.  Spanx, Control Top somethings, whatever brand it may be, for the love of God - don't wear white pants without them!  What could be a beautiful look can very quickly be destroyed with this one omission.  Case in point:

She obviously has on the right undies.  No lines, no cellulite bulges, etc.
Now, here is what one might look like without proper foundation garments:

In this example, her decision to wear white pants in a very bad, bad thing.

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